
  • Tayebwa in talks to resolve Govt, Opposition impasse

    The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Thomas Tayebwa, is in talks with key leaders in government and the Opposition, to settle the stalemate over human rights violations and the latter’s continued...
  • Govt not ready with action taken report on NSSF

    The Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Hon. Betty Amongi, has said that the action taken report on the probe of the state of affairs at the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) is not...
  • Animal Feeds Bill introduced in Parliament

    The Bill seeks to provide legislative framework for the operationalization of the animal feeds policy by regulating the production, importation, exportation and marking of animal feeds and by...
  • Govt on Track to Produce Oil by 2025

    Government is on track to ensure that the first drop of oil is produced by the end of 2025, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development, Hon. Ruth Nankabirwa, has told Parliament. “Government and...
  • Govt to create Food and Agricultural Authority-Tumwebaze

    Cabinet has approved a proposal to establish a Food and Agricultural Authority that will be mandated with food related matters, the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Frank...
  • NIRA fails to enroll 17 million people over funds

    The National Information Registration Authority (NIRA) has failed to commence mass enrolment of 17.2 million persons due to funding gaps for the activity, the Authority’s Executive Director, Rosemary...
  • Legislators honour late Kyemba, preach reconciliation

    A life of public service transcending three different governments themed the eulogy of Members of Parliament as they praised former Minister, Henry Kyemba for living an illustrious, conciliatory life...
  • PDM progress in Karamoja worries legislators

    Members of Parliament on the Public Service and Local Government Committee have expressed concern with the level of implementation of the Parish Development Model (PDM) programme in the Karamoja sub-...
  • Former minister Kyemba’s body lies in state at Parliament

    A dirge, ‘It is well with my soul’ was one of the hymns played by the Uganda Police brass band on the first floor of the Parliamentary Building, just above the foyer at 10:00am on Tuesday, 24 October...
  • Public Universities tipped on resource mobilisation

    Public universities should take advantage of innovations by students to generate revenue for running the higher institutions of learning, lawmakers have advised.  The legislators say that such...
