Gulu City motion honours Museveni’s peace initiatives

Posted On
29th, Aug 2024

Members of Parliament have paid tribute to President Yoweri Museveni, for his role in restoring peace and security in Northern Uganda and the country at large.

While presenting a motion to pay tribute to the President on Thursday, 29 August 2024, Hon. Dan Atwijukire (NRM, Kazo County) observed that the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) saved lives and protected property by eliminating rebel groups in Northern Uganda.
He added that this has provided a conducive environment for economic and social transformation in the region.

Atwijukire highlighted rebel groups like the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), the Uganda National Rescue Front (UNRF) II and the Holy Spirit Movement, which caused gross abuse of human right from 1986 onwards.
“Yesterday, we had a force here [Kaunda Grounds] of less than 100 UPDF and police officers combined, and everyone was secure. In the evening, we walked on the streets of Gulu for health and fitness purposes, and everyone was enjoying themselves. We believe this has happened because there was purposeful and visionary leadership,” said Atwijukire. 

Omoro District Woman Representative, Hon. Catherine Lamwaka, seconded the motion and commended the role played by fallen UPDF commanders in pacifying the northern region, including the late Gen. Paul Lokech, the late Gen. Julius Facki Oketta and the late Col. Walter Ochora.

“It is also important that we also celebrate our religious leaders. I am aware that Archbishop Emeritus John Baptist Odama is here and we recognise his heavy contribution in bringing peace in this part of the region. We also recognise the contribution of the Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiative,” Lamwaka said.

She also urged Parliament and Cabinet to set up a special programme aimed at rehabilitating children living on the streets in Gulu City and neighbouring districts.
Hon. Judith Alyek (NRM, Kole District Woman Representative) called on Museveni to fulfill presidential pledges made to Northern Uganda, including cattle compensation, which she said is progressing slowly.

“The President has put several developmental plans in the manifesto for Lango, Acholi and for Northern Uganda as a whole. Now that we have peace, we only need to fight poverty by increasing household income and promoting mechanisation of agriculture,” said Alyek.
Napak District Woman Representative, Hon. Faith Nakut, commended the UPDF for its role in the disarmament process in Northern Uganda, which she said has greatly contributed to peace in the region.

“It seemed impossible that guns would go silent at some point until 2006, when against all odds, against all the negative publicity, the UPDF, under the able leadership of President Yoweri Museveni took a bold step to disarm the people of Karamoja. It was not an easy task and I witnessed the disarmament process,” Nakut said.

She highlighted the insecurity in 2018 posed by unrestricted access to guns in Northern Uganda.
Hon. Jesca Ababiku (NRM, Adjumani District Woman Representative) made a call to the President to promote enhancement of economic liberation in Northern Uganda, especially through extending the compensation process to West Nile.
The sitting was chaired by Speaker Anita Among.