Tayebwa demands for explanation on Kampala potholes

Posted On
18th, Apr 2023

Following the ongoing social media campaign dubbed “Kampala Pothole Exhibition”, that has attracted the attention and participation of the public, the Deputy Speaker, Thomas Tayebwa has demanded for a statement on the status of roads in Kampala.

Tayebwa who chaired the House on Tuesday, 18 April 2023 said that the campaign had caught his attention and required action from Parliament.
“We have observed potholes of all designs; deep, shallow, wide, narrow, beautiful, ugly all in Kampala,” he said.

The Deputy Speaker who revealed that he had taken part in organising a similar expo in the past, said there is need to have the potholes fixed.
“It is ironic that you will find car damaging potholes on your way to Uganda Revenue Authority to sort out your taxes. One even wonders how ambulances must navigate the pothole ridden roads with patients,” he added.

Tayebwa instructed the Minister for Kampala City to present a statement to Parliament on how much money Kampala City Council Authority has received for road construction and maintenance over the past three years.

He said that the statement should highlight the roads beneficiary to the funds and the status of all the roads in Kampala.

Tayebwa added that the situation of the road network is dire and must be investigated because some of the recently repaired roads have been damaged by the heavy rains.
“We want to know whether the problem is on the policy side, the appropriation of funds or the persons responsible for maintaining the roads,” he added.

Ugandans on social media have this week taken to social media to share pictures of pot holes on the Kampala roads.

This has attracted a lot of attention with a lot of focus now on KCCA.