Speaker Among calls for completion of late Minister Nyirabashitsi's constituency projects

Parliament Speaker, Anita Among, has urged government to support the completion of major projects that were initiated by the late Minister of State for Defence and Veteran Affairs (Defence), Hon. Sarah Mateke Nyirabashitsi, who passed away on Saturday, 07 September 2024.

Nyirabashitsi, who was first elected to the 9th Parliament (2011-2016) and again in 2021 [11th Parliament] to represent the women of Kisoro, will be buried on Thursday, 12 September 2024 in Kisoro.

Among highlighted the construction of the Kanyamateke-Busanza-Nyabwishenya road, the rehabilitation of Buhozi Health Centre III and the establishment of a men’s ward at Nyarusiza Health Centre III.

“We budgeted for money to complete these projects in the last financial year but unfortunately, that money was removed. These projects are still there and we want to request the Prime Minister to follow-up on them and see how we can have Sarah’s legacy kept in the constituency,” she said during her communication to the House, as legislators paid tribute to the late Hon. Nyirabashitsi on Tuesday, 10 September 2024.

Hon. John Kamara (NRM, Bufumbira County North) reiterated the need to support the completion of the projects addressed by the Speaker.

“Buhozi Health Centre III is in my constituency and I have invested money to create a diversion for people to access health services. I request that emergency funds are sought to work on the road, so that we help expectant mothers to access good healthcare in Kisoro District,” Kamara said.

Parliament voted in favour of an amendment to a motion by the Prime Minister to pay tribute to the late minister, where a follow-up on these projects will be made.

The Speaker also called on MPs to support each other despite the different party lines they associate with.

“I urge you to have love for each other because you do not know when your time is. Why would you be in wars over small things? Let us have love for each other, let us be there for each other and let us be each other’s keeper. When you see what is happening, we need more of God’s intervention,” she said.

Among commended the late minister’s active participation in legislative business, noting her commitment in the plight of young children and the youth, evidenced in the tabling of legislative busiDess for their social development.

“As you may be aware, the effectiveness of a legislator can significantly be determined by their capacity of debate, lobbying and persuasion of members. On those parameters, Sarah Nyirabashitsi Mateke excelled in that,” Among added.

She also appreciated the late minister’s passion and care for children, whom she supported in the education sector through scholarships to study at the Metropolitan International University in Kampala.

The Speaker appreciated President Yoweri Museveni for his appointment of late Hon. Nyirabashitsi to key leadership positions, where she previously served as the State Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development (Youth and Children Affairs) before her most recent service as the State Minister for Defence.

She is survived by a son.